
Serving the Mission

MABHE Town Hall Meetings

MABHE Town Halls are semi-annual events hosted in October and February, concerning two pre-determined critical issues. The significance of each Town Hall is that the same critical issue is addressed at the same time, across the entire state.

Annual Conference

MABHE hosts a two-day conference during the spring to promote professional development for college students and professionals in the higher education arena.

MABHE Empowerment Program (MEP)

MEP is intended as a mentoring and leadership bridge conducted by seasoned higher education professionals to assist aspiring administrators, faculty and staff for promotion in Missouri colleges and universities.


The Association awards three annual scholarships which are named in the honor of MABHE Founder Dr. O.C. Bobby Daniels. The Dr. O.C. Bobby Daniels Undergraduate 4-year Scholarship shall be awarded to full-time undergraduate students at baccalaureate-granting institutions. The Dr. O.C. Bobby Daniels Undergraduate 2-year Scholarship shall be awarded to full-time undergraduate students at associate-degree granting institutions, and The Dr. O.C. Bobby Daniels Graduate Scholarship shall be awarded to full-time students seeking graduate- and profession-level degrees.

MABHE Leadership Development scholarships to those qualifying members wishing to advance their careers in higher education administration.
