In the fall of 1990, Dr. O.C. Bobby Daniels of Lincoln University founded the Annual Missouri Conference on Blacks in Higher Education (AMBCHE). Through his leadership, the AMCHBE has brought together a cultural cross section of educators and students from all of Missouri’s colleges and universities. For the past several years, and with increasing success, this two and one half day conference has focused on research and the implementation strategies designed to improve the overall presence and performance of African Americans in higher education institutions throughout the state.

The phenomenal success of AMCBHE inspired its Advisory Board to expand its research and service commitments to the level of a multi-faceted professional organization. This historic decision was made at Truman State University on July 31, 1996. Thus, the annual conference format was transformed into a statewide organization and renamed the Missouri Association for Blacks in Higher Education (MABHE). In addition to continuing the annual conference, MABHE’s focus includes commitments in the areas of professional and student development at all Missouri public and private two or four-year higher education institutions.